Returns are simple.
Fill out the details required within 30 days of receiving your order. You will receive a return label that will be deducted from your refund. Returns must be sent out to our return center within 7 days of receipt of your return label as the label will expire. Once we receive your return, we will refund you within 2 to 6 business days. Depending on your bank, funds may take anywhere from 6 to 8 business days to drop into your account.
Our policy.
We will gladly return items that have been purchased through our website worn, washed, or altered with tags attached in the original She Walks The Sea packaging within 14 days of receiving your order. Any returns that are not sent back in original She Walks The Sea packaging will be charged a $6 restocking fee. At the moment, we cannot process exchanges. If you would like to order a different size, please place a new order for the item(s) you desire. Please be mindful of make up, tanning products, and deodorant as well. We will not accept any garments that have stains from trying on. All returns are subject to inspection and we do have the right to refuse your refund if your return if your return does not meet any of the above requirements.